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Business Case

Creating a valid business case to undertake a re-platforming can be very difficult. We can help you define, refine and continuously validate the management’s vision and decisions, by mapping it to the future state of the bank’s architecture and operations.

The costs of re-platforming are significant and appear well before the long-term benefits, typically exceeding banks’ planning horizons of one to three years. The benefits of core replacement in terms of additional revenue are difficult to measure. Cases that are only made positive by such benefits tend to have less credibility with decision-makers who mainly seek a financial case.

Capital markets business cases are usually not built on financial benefits alone but tie the required benefits to your organization’s overall business strategy. Technical drivers for change (such as technology currency, system availability, infrastructure etc…) are not compelling if they do not clearly support the overarching business need.

An effective case considers all dimensions of your business when structuring your business case by assessing the benefits in terms of how they help to change the business, run the business, and manage the business.

Contact NAME today to discuss your needs and how Fenixys can help you

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